All Columbia Bottle Depot locations take a wide variety of items thanks to Recycle BC.
- Bags for bread, newspapers, and flyers
- Clean aluminum cans and lids
- Clean milk containers
- Glass containers such as non-refundable bottles and jars
- Other Flexible Plastic Packaging such as: zipper lock pouches, potato chip bags, wrappers for candy bars, and net bags for such items as avocados
- Plastic bags for groceries and dry cleaning
- Telephone books and catalogues
- Styrofoam
- And more – click here for the complete Recycle BC list
Did you know?
Recycle BC, formally known as MMBC, is a non-profit organization that offers recycling programs to residential customers. Residents do not have to pay for this service through recycling depots as it is paid for by businesses that produce packing and printed paper.